Last leg of the Saratoga journey

Came to Saratoga for a chamber music concert, however, since I was a little early decided to visit the Saratoga auto museum on the grounds of the state park. This building was once the bottling plant for the Saratoga waters.

Here they had a Ferrari collection on display. Apparently a local person has ties to the family and the cars are on loan.
Wasn’t aware all Ferrari’s are red and their paint system is all computerized.

There are only a handful of other colored Ferrari’s in the world 🌎 and this collection had one on loan.

The volunteer docents are well versed in car info and fascinating guided tours are given. Call for times.

Racing cars 🏎️ were also on display.

And for the younger set, go carts..

One last bonus..

Can’t seem to get away from my new home.

A Woodstock bus.

And finally the reason for the journey..

A 3 pm Chamber Music Concert at Spa Little Theater

The ending of a perfect day!

Union Ave., Saratoga

After Yaddo walked one of the most beautiful streets in America. These gorgeous dames hail from the 1860’s on. What a delightful walk while eating a Stewart’s ice cream cone.


Here are many as I couldn’t resist the photos.

And this one is for sale..
My favorite and the gardens sublime

The National Racing Museum is also on this avenue..

Then round the corner the grandest of all the homes, The Batchelor’s Mansion (excuse the misspelling). You really need to see it in person to appreciate her.

Can you imagine what it costs to stay here?

Then across the street the Park where the Canfield Casino resides.,

The Casino

There is also a museum inside the Casino should you wish to learn more of this historic city.

Here one can partake of the famous geyser waters..

And lovely flowers

What a perfect day!

A Koi pond at one of the Union Avenue homes.


This was the Saratoga home of the Spencer Trask family. Spencer was a financier, philanthropist, and devoted Saratoga resident.

Fun Fact: While Trask strongly opposed gambling his home resides a stones throw from the famous racetrack.

Spencer Trask

The home is now an artist’s colony.

Oh, what a lucky artist to get an invite here!


However, us normal folk may visit the gardens daily from 10 to 2, free.

The Pond

This area welcomes you as you enter the grounds. A precursor of the beauty to arrive.

What a romantic spot.❤️

Ate my lunch here sitting on a rock.

The Paths

The Rose Garden and fountains


Trask developed the rose garden for his wife

Side view

The Statutes


There was a collection of children’s 📕 based on a black child character available in this box. Perhaps works by one of the artists in residence?.

What an absolutely perfect day for this visit

A must see..

Return to the scene of the crime

Haven’t been to Albany in quite some time so decided to stop on my way to Saratoga. Little has changed am pleased to report.

Have you returned to where it all began?

Family home

Glad those who purchased the place are maintaining it. While I have memories growing up in a dysfunctional family, it is what it is. I’ve bought several therapists couches in my years of therapy and grateful neurofeedback has provided solace in my later years.


This is the church I attended which is now Korean Catholic. Was unaware of this sect and once again no changes. Surprising!


When my mother’s ancestors came from Germany they bought land 10 acres in what is now Colonie, New York. They farmed the land and when the 1930s came through and the mean had died off they received an offer of $10,000 fit 10 acres and grabbed it.


However, the buyer knew what they were doing as they turned over the property the following year splitting into plots of $10,000 per acre.

My grade school now a Jewish grade school

My high school

Well enough of me, on to Saratoga!

Still tapping my slippers

for a sale on the condo

Do you think Glenda the good witch could help?


However, it doesn’t look 👀 promising as I recently read fl real estate is taking a dive.

Oh well, at least I have a job now to pay for two houses,


and one I actually feel safe at!

Wonder which one?


But all that aside.. am looking forward to the debate next Thursday. Joe is squirreled away at Camp David practicing while the rapist is doing nothing to prepare. Kind of like he did as president? What a fraud, and we even had a legal case which proves that!


Can’t wait to see how the rapist reacts when he is muted. Actually looking forward to it. Am sure he will cry foul and without his followers how will he get pumped up???


Only 5 days till the big day!

Putin and jong un

What an interesting combo. Took them 24 years to get together. And while some think it was to share nucs in an attempt to control the 🌎 I have another idea.


I think putin stopped by to help jong un with his exercise program in an effort to have him get in shape..


And besides the exercise routine putin also introduced the dictator to ozempic from the russian black market to ensure quick weight loss.


So when putin visits next believe he’ll work on a fashion make over for the dictator’s new bod.


In consultation with another fashion icon authoritarian and rapist prez he’ll be having jong un drop the drab gray uniform. Instead the rapist will have his friend go with a western style suit and the signature elongated tie to hide belly fat.


With the final touch a comb over.


And perhaps some blonde highlights.

Back to Work

Started a new job. They honor Juneteenth so I have a day off after two very busy days. It’s been a positive change to get back to work, and Lord knows I need the money. In fl, if I could get a nursing job, I’d be making less than half of what I am making in NYS.


Between purchasing an EV and loosing an enormous amount on that, and going back to learn Neurofeedback in California , I’ve depleted much.

Guess we all make the wrong financial decisions now and then.

Look at the rapist prez’s m.o.


Neurofeedback is a wonderful process but to get clients – well I haven’t had any success.. Check out my web site to learn more,, it works, but is expensive, and folks are skeptical……….

Photo by meo on

The group at orientation has been accepting of this old bag.


In previous travel nurse assignments the places have been evil. So, while it has only been 2 days actually am looking forward to returning on Thursday.


Being a regular employee rather than a traveler is a better fit?..


Still no news on a condo sale, and my seasonal cabin water ends in October. Am having a plumber come by to discuss a 300 gallon water tank so I could remain living here. The tank would allow enough water to flush the toilet from October till March when seasonal water returns.

Will need to have a heater for the apparatus and some plumbing connection but all signs point to go and the plumber says it’s an easy fix.

Music to my ears, something easy..


This way if the condo sells I won’t be homeless. At least I’ll be able to flush the toilet, and will join a gym to shower.


Have no desire to return to fl.

I so enjoy the peace and feeling of safety the cabin has given me.


Time to close.. See you tomorrow..


This is an email from Monique Worrell, the AG from fl who desantis fired?. While the fl supreme court, a despot led bench, ousted her 6-1 with one abstention, I believe this is still in the courts as what he did was illegal. She is running for re-election, and what a conundrum he caused. She surely will win again.. In her last bid she won by an overwhelming vote.

Sharing her email with you as a little education is good.. I had no idea what Juneteenth was, sad to say.

Hey everyone –

Today is Juneteenth, a profound day in our nation’s history that commemorates the emancipation of the last enslaved African Americans in Galveston, Texas, on June 19, 1865. As we gather to celebrate Black culture, we must also take the time to reflect and educate on why this day stands as a powerful reminder of our enduring struggle for freedom and equality.

Juneteenth is a day to honor the resilience and contributions of those who came before us, who fought relentlessly for justice, and who, despite overwhelming adversity, paved the way for the freedoms we cherish today. It is also a day to recognize the work that still lies ahead as we strive to ensure equality and justice for all.


While Lincoln freed the slaves via the Emancipation Proclamation on January 1, 1863, final word on this Proclamation was never received until June 19, 1865, with Texas being the last notified. Lore states the messenger distributing this information was murdered so cotton growers could continue receiving free labor on their plantations.


Keep up the fight, Monique, and thanks for the email.

Happy Juneteenth to all who are and were enslaved.

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Started watching Jon Stewart. On June 17th, he spoke of guns toward the end of the episode. He mentioned how the despot party always claims major cities have increased crime and gun violence. This is untrue, crime is down, but what idiot who watches foul fact checks their information. It is their deity.

Photo by Alem Su00e1nchez on

One of the despots Jon spoke of claimed the increase in major city violence owned 2 gun shops in the south. And as Jon pointed out 98% of the guns causing havoc in these major cities are from Georgia, Florida, the Carolinas, which have no gun laws. The south is essentially causing the gun situation in the north. Therefore, this gun shop despot is the cause of the major cities problems.

Flashback to a text I received from one of my daughter’s friends… She is an adult student returning to University of Texas, and in her information packet was a pamphlet explaining the video she must observe to open carry a weapon on campus.

Photo by Stanley Morales on

What has America come to?



Does this make any sense?

Shortly after the Pulse Nightclub shooting occurred in Orlando, (8 years ago this past week, 49 dead, 55 injured), there was a meeting held at our fl community building. There was probably 5-700 people in the room, and when asked who owned a gun all raised their hands, but me.

It was enlightening and terrifying.

Photo by Luis Quintero on

I knew at that time this was not where I wanted to be, and these were not my type of folk.

Hard to be in the minority.

Change is difficult.

And Jon Stewart’s final sentiments..

Photo by Pixabay on

The only way to stop this influx of guns from the south…