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Started watching Jon Stewart. On June 17th, he spoke of guns toward the end of the episode. He mentioned how the despot party always claims major cities have increased crime and gun violence. This is untrue, crime is down, but what idiot who watches foul fact checks their information. It is their deity.

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One of the despots Jon spoke of claimed the increase in major city violence owned 2 gun shops in the south. And as Jon pointed out 98% of the guns causing havoc in these major cities are from Georgia, Florida, the Carolinas, which have no gun laws. The south is essentially causing the gun situation in the north. Therefore, this gun shop despot is the cause of the major cities problems.

Flashback to a text I received from one of my daughter’s friends… She is an adult student returning to University of Texas, and in her information packet was a pamphlet explaining the video she must observe to open carry a weapon on campus.

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What has America come to?



Does this make any sense?

Shortly after the Pulse Nightclub shooting occurred in Orlando, (8 years ago this past week, 49 dead, 55 injured), there was a meeting held at our fl community building. There was probably 5-700 people in the room, and when asked who owned a gun all raised their hands, but me.

It was enlightening and terrifying.

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I knew at that time this was not where I wanted to be, and these were not my type of folk.

Hard to be in the minority.

Change is difficult.

And Jon Stewart’s final sentiments..

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The only way to stop this influx of guns from the south…


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