The Stampede

To get the full Stampede effect purchased the dinner show ticket at The Cody Cattle Company which included, “an evening of fabulous entertainment and our famous chuck wagon dinner,” according to the brochure. For this “trifecta” the cost was a mere $54., so decided to partake.

The evening began with a country western band and comedian. While not a fan of country western music decided to broaden my horizons, however, remain not a fan. Band was on key, and comedian entertaining. Food was tasty and service good.

At the end of the show it was time for the rodeo. Got in my car and headed for Stampede Park.

Cody is the Rodeo Capital of the World so couldn’t miss this.

As there is no assigned seating sat next to two young Asian gals from Washington, D.C. Wow, did they like rodeo.

Here’s some pics of the activity. It certainly was an event not to be missed.

Roping the steer
Thrown from the horse
Angry, but content bull having thrown the cowboy.
And more going after the steer.

What a different night. This concludes my visit to Cody. Returning to Grand Teton National Park to catch some missed sites.

Stay tuned.

Buffalo Bill Museum: 5 Museums in One Part I: The Buffalo Bill Museum and Art Museum

This Museum has five Museums in one:

  • Buffalo Bill Museum
  • Art Museum
  • Natural History Museum
  • Gun Museum
  • Indian Museum

Let’s take a peek at all five starting with Buffalo Bill. Was unaware of Buffalo Bill Cody till visiting this town. He was a famous showman and footage of his shows run non-stop in this area of the Museum. He traveled the world doing his shows spending 5 years in Europe, and 30 years on the road. The art and pageantry was robust with his shows requiring 3 railroad cars for transport of props. Some memorabilia on display at the Museum.

His private tent used while on the road.

The Art Museum – much Western art was displayed here.

Frederick Remington was a personal friend of Cody’s and his studio is in the Museum,

along with a special picture of Cody. Had never seen a Remington painting, only his sculptures. Beautiful.

The sculpture collection was profound.

And if an art lover don’t miss the outside sculptures,

and here you will find Cody’s childhood home as well as a children’s playground. Never saw that in a museum before.

Next: The remaining 3 Museums.

Cody Arrival

Cody is an interesting town with several tourist attractions. The Cody Museum has five museums in one, the stampede stadium, and then there is downtown with the historic Cody Hotel. Let’s start at the hotel.

The Irma was named for Cody’s daughter. She ran the place and little has changed. It is authentic to the era.

The rest of downtown with its unique western theme.

And on to the Museum.

On to Cody

Once departed from Yellowstone came across this interesting motel, gift shop, and restaurant.

After finding several souvenirs asked about the Buffalo Bill Hunting Lodge. Being the first tour of the morning I received a one person tour learning much of Bill’s life by a fascinating guide.

Besides being a stage performer Bill was a newspaper publisher, ran a casino, had a motion picture company, and was involved in a bankrupt gold mine where he lost 4 million dollars. He spearheaded the building of a dam which was later renamed to honor him by President Truman. This cause was dear to his heart as his daughter died from drinking contaminated water.

More memorabilia at the lodge

One of the first soda machines
The Lodge Bar

What a interesting tour. Make the stop and stay for lunch.

You’ll be glad you did.